One of my long time customers has a fantasy that I never forget every time "she" calls. It's actually a lot of fun and in depth, and I enjoy that.
"Her" name is Renee. Here is how the roleplay goes:
Renee goes to the hospital for a check up. I am the doctor and I walk in and he's sitting on the exam table in a pink hospital gown because that's all we had. I look him over and when I see that he has such a small penis I say we should do a prostate exam and I need to ask him some more questions.
Once I learn that he has frequent anal sex, I ask warn him that he could end up with a very loose asshole and give him exercises to do to help keep his ass tight
Then I take measurements of his penis, and realize that the ruler is too big for his penis so we have to walk to another room down the hall to get a much smaller ruler.
I make him turn his gown around so everyone can see his tiny penis, then we walk to the nurses station and get the measurement of his penis soft, and he has to announce to the nurse what it is.
Once in the new room, a big black nurse comes in to continue the prostate exam. Because I cannot get deep enough with my fingers, the black nurse takes out his cock and exams him from the inside. Plus, we need a measurement of his penis erect and he can't get hard with a girl fingering his ass.
When we measure his penis fully erect it's only 2 1/4 inches!
To top it all off, his mother and sister come in and we explain he's been having frequent anal sex and that he needs to be reminded to do his exercises to keep his ass tight.
It's soooooo much fun!!