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Friday, May 9, 2014

Cinemex - By Melanie

So for about a week all I did was sleep and homework, and when I got a few minutes I watched porn. That's right, I love porn. But it has to be the right kind. I am a sucker for the kind with a plot and a story line. There is actually a website (I won't list the name) that is kinda like a porn youtube. People make their own and post it. It is awesome.

About a year ago my house got Cinemax as like a promo for a week. There was this soft core porno on that my friends and I couldn't stop watching. It was terribly awesome. Let me set the scene. A small town girl is sent to jail, a womans prison. She is confronted by the women that are like the alphas and she is told that she needs to make friends with the right people. Of course to get in with the right group she has to go down on all 3 of them. Then the warden (a woman) is yelling at a male guard to make sure things run smoothly and the only way to get through to him is to ride him on her dek.

If anyone has a suggestion on a good porn with a cheesy plot let me know, I am always interested.

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