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Friday, August 5, 2016

Getting summer body - by Blair

summer isn't over yet sissy girls!

You MUST get your summer body back so you can wear skin tight summer clothes to be sexy on the beach for your man. Here are some websites with excellent tips and here are some rules to help. 

1) attach your favorite plug or dildo to your exercycle and you may only watch gay porn while perched and cycling.

2) when giving blow jobs, get on your knees, tighten your stomach muscles, and do isometric crunches and you bob your head up and down.

3) play your Lady Gaga and Madonna music and do lunges while vacuuming, (great to lift those baggy buns back up)

4) stop eating dessert with your boyfriend! Tell him he has the only dessert for you and you want him to eat it all so he will taste even sweeter when you get home. 

Follow these rules for a few weeks and read the information on these sites and you will be trim and sexy for summer. It's for your own good.

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