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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Ziplock baggie Ryan - by Melanie

Ryan has been peeing and pooping for the last 2 months, and putting it in a ziplock bag.  He put in in a microwave to warm it up. Spread it all over his diaper and is wearing it for a week. When the diaper leaks, he will just put on another diaper over it.  He sees this as his last opportunity to experience this, before he gets married. He is getting married this Sat.  On his wedding day, a woman is coming over to his house to clean him up and change his diaper. She will also humiliate him. He will not be wearing the diaper at the wedding. His future wife  doesn't share his fetish, but he hopes she will be more open to it at some point. I gave him a few tasks to do while he's still wearing the diaper (his suggestions). I said he should go to Walmart with a pacifier in his mouth, ask the associate Katie, (who he thinks is hot) where the baby wipes are? Also which aisle the baby toys are in? He will sit down and play with the cars and trucks in the aisle. He will also ask Katie if she will change his diaper. If she won't change his diaper, he will ask her for her poop to put in his diaper.

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