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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

ABDL Boxes are a hit!

We are now offering ABDL surprise boxes at: http://www.adultbabyplaypen.com/abdlboxes

The small box is $20 and includes 1 diaper (either Bambino or Rearz) and one surprise gift!

There is also the Potty Box, the Lunch Box and the Bath time Box!

Each themed box contains at least one diaper AND 4-5 surprise gifts that go with the theme of the box AND 10 minutes of phone sex! and is $40

Every time you order the box it'll have something different inside!

So visit: http://www.adultbabyplaypen.com/abdlboxes  or just go to www.AdultBabyPlaypen.com and click on ABDL Boxes

These boxes are personalized for an ABDL girl or boy!!  So go get yours now!

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