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This blog is all about that Taboo!
All our girls love talking about every fetish imaginable!

Read what they've posted below or call to talk to one of them!

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Saturday, December 10, 2016

Come meet Jessica

Hi all!!

I'm Jessica, I'm new to phone sex but have been having so much fun exploring my dirty side!

I wanted to share some fun things with you about the calls I've taken so far

The funniest call I've heard so far was that a guy wanted to have a taser orgy... with guys everywhere getting tased by girls.  What?!  How unique is that! I can definitely say when I started that wasn't what I was expecting!

Click HERE for more

My most popular fantasies so far are having sex in public and not getting caught.  I love exhibitionism!  I love the fear and thrill of trying to not get caught. I always get torn... do you I want to get caught? Do I want others to see me? :)

I get a lot of guys asking for advice too.  And that most frequent request is what should they do when they want to cum and they want to be really loud.  Do they? Do they stay quiet, what turns women on.

If you want to know the answer to that, then you'll have to call me!!


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