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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Baby Ryan Loves his poopy diapers! - by Blair

 Ryan LOVES poopy gooey diapers. He loves them so much he  takes his poo, mixes it with pee to make what he calls a poop stew and puts it into a diaper to make it exceptionally squishy and stinky. He loves for me to make him sit in them and put his hand in play in his diaper. He sent me more photos than these but they were even too gross to post here.  Eeeiiiwwww Ryan, I'm glad I don't have smelliphone!

   Ryan just moved to a new town and wants everyone there to know him as a poopy baby so I made him go to Walmart and denny in his stinky diapers and tell people that he was a poopy diaper boy. He has a date tomorrow night and wants her to know so, he is going to go to the bathroom at the restaurant, put the poopy diaper on, (he will stash it all ready in his car) then he is going to come back to the table and tell her that there was no open stall so he just had to go and luckily, he had a diaper on. He will then a few minutes later say, "Oh, I don't think I was done" and proceed to poop in the diaper at the table if he can, or fake it. He is going to ask her if she will help him clean up after dinner. He thinks she will be very hot and turned on, what do you think???
     My bet is she doesn't make it through dinner before the smell gags her and she bails on him! Ha ha ha ha!

**unfortunately we couldn't post the totally poopy diapers. So here are some other pics of him

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