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Thursday, November 12, 2015

Fur Coat Masturbation - By Stacey

One of my callers wants me to masturbate with a fur coat.  Now I told him that I've done it before, but in truth I have not.

So I'm not sure how that would go.  How would a fur coat feel on your clit? Would I be able to cum with it?  I'm not sure exactly how that works but I'm actually excited to try it. So I'm hoping he calls to play to teach me how to do it, because I'd hate to try it and then it doesn't work and me not be interested in trying it again.

I did once have a guy who liked to talk about rubbing a fur coat all over his cock, balls and asshole before.

Anyone done this before? Masturbated with a fur coat or got someone else off with one?

do tell if so!!

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