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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Zombie Brothel - By Stacey

So this one is going to sound super weird, but let me explain it and it won't sound so bad/gross :)

I'm a fan of zombie movies and was watching the Walking Dead and so of course I had a zombie dream, and wouldn't you know, it was at a brothel lol

so my zombies weren't like any other zombie I've ever seen. they weren't really dead persay, they still had thoughts and could talk, but they didn't know anything of their past self.  It was like their brains worked and they thought and in fact, they had an actual army with tanks, but they had no compassion.

so in this dream the zombies actually take you and put you in a brothel to work.  You didn't have a choice, you had to work for them or be turned.

Here I am, working for zombies, whom if you didn't know better, would think they were humans.  And they call me in to do a 2 girl party with this one guy and his wife. I really don't know if they were zombies or not lol

and I'm not sure if I'm happy, or sad that it ended before we actually did anything haha

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