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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Spanking - By Paige

Spanking Part 1

I love the idea of spanking. I like to be spanked but I love to be the spanker. 

I like getting spanked, but not to the point where I can not sit down or my ass is so red that it is bruised. I like a firm slap against the ass, but I don't like someone going hardcore on my ass. What gets me going on is having my little slaves on cam spank their ass for me and do everything that I tell them to do.

These guys are really into hardcore spanking. They want their ass to be bruised, red and unable to sit down. They love to have toys and tools used on their asses to make sure they get the end result that they are looking for. I sometimes an amazed at how far that these guys will do.

I remember that I had one guy on cam use a riding crop (tool used when riding a horse) and spanked his has so hard that it actually started to bleed. The welts on his ass were so red, that I had to make him stop before he did some serious damage. I have to stop when I see blood because that is too extreme and I am not for permanently hurting people. Whatever you do off cam to yourself is fine with me, I just don't want to see you permanently damage yourself because you feel that is what I want to see. I want to see you enjoy yourself and have fun, but I don't want to see you bleed and cause yourself harm.

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