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Saturday, December 5, 2015

Tied and Blindefolded - by Brittany

When I am in the mood to be submissive, I love the idea of being tied up and blind folded. The thought of that gets me very aroused because I do not know what is going to happen to me next and I give full control over to my partner. They are able to do whatever they want to me and the thought of the unknown is very sexually pleasing to me. Having my hands tied together so that I can not stop or feel what is going on around me, heightens my pleasure. I love that I am not able to stop what is happening to me with my body, the only thing that I can use are words and that is the absolute best. This allows you to just enjoy what is happening to you and find out what your limits are and try new things. I find that when you see what is about to happen to you, there is a level of fear or there is no way that I am going to like this. But not being able to see what is going on makes you wonder what is about to happen and better yet will allow you to truly decide if you will like what is about to happen to you or not. You will actually give what is about to happen you a chance and will not have any preconceived notions.

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