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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Pony Play - By Vicki

As a woman, riding a horse can be very erotic.  Not only because her legs are spread wide around something, but the movement of the horse, the vibrations, and the control she has over it.  Therefore, it makes complete sense for a woman to turn her mate into a pony and ride him.


When I say ride, I mean just that. It’s not riding in the sexual sense, but actually strapping on a saddle, reigns, and bit and having him walk around on all fours with her leading him round.


Obviously there is no sex involved (although I have seen saddles with dildos on them), and it is a complete dominant position for the woman and a submissive one for the man.


For people who do pony play, they take it very seriously.  When they are doing pony play, it is a lifestyle.  The “pony”, or submissive male cannot talk, he must make sounds like a horse and walk his mistress wherever she pleases, be it outside or inside.


It can certainly be an interesting change up to your mistress/sub routine!

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