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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Sneezing / Blowing Nose Fetish - by Stacey

I had a very interesting request the other day to blow my nose and record it for a client then answer a bunch of questions for him.

I was surprised at how quickly I blow my nose, since each time only took 5-10 seconds.  So he got a nice montage of me blowing my nose.  Unfortunately I wasn't able to sneeze for him (which I have had requested multiple times by other guys)

In his questions he asked the following things:

Would you say anything if while helping your SO blow their nose, some of the snot got in your hands? 

if your SO was sick and you took him to the doctor and he was sneezing and sniffling in the waiting room, what would you say and do? Would you bring any tissues from home or just use any tissues they had there?

Do you blow your nose hard and loud or soft and quiet?

What kind of tissues do you use? color and box type?

Along with another 40 or so more!

It was quite interesting. Thankfully I had a bit of a cold!

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