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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Bella's favorite teenie weenie boy - Bedwetter Dave

There is a particular client I love to talk to. He always is a joy. But the best part about him is he has the teeniest cock ever! I love laughing at how little his cock is.

 If that isn't enough he also wets the bed every night! My favorite is when we chat over the cam and I can watch him stroke his tiny thing with just an index finger and a thumb! LOL   I mean he is tiny like negative inches. I like to refer to it as an "inny" kinda like a belly button. We often have fantasies of wearing diapers out together and hanging out at nudist colonies.

 One particular game that we play is we are both in diapers and the first one to wet themselves has to let the other change them. I think I could drink 3 Big Gulps and win but that's between you and me. Or that we go out to dinner and we play games under the table and see who the first one is to crack in front of the waitress. Between the diapers and teeny cock this caller is for sure one of my favorites!

If you missed his pictures before, here are more!

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