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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Written by Betsy Wetsy Babykins

This is written by Betsy Wetsy, he is one of our adult baby callers

As we talked about, I am very thrilled that you are going to  bring other girls into our little circle, and that she will learn all about your new big sissy babykins. I want you to share what ever you desire with her. I think the other Mommies in this group will get a real kick out of you and Stacey
writing all about your Betsy Wetsy.

Now that my doctor has ordered me to wear diapers every day to prevent accidents, I feel like I am the luckiest AB in town!  My Doc is in family Medicine (all ages) but she also is trained in OB and has delivered a ton of new babies to new Mommies all over town.  She does not know and willl never know about my AB side. She is a wonderful Doc and has seen me now for about 25 yrs. But since I got a pretty bad diaper rash 4 days ago and am struggling to keep it both clean, nd not get infected. If I can not get a handle on it I will have to go in next Monday and have her prescribe some medicine.

Her Nurse may get involved in doing some teaching with me to manage my skin better, and curtail any future rashes. She is such a cutie, and  am sure I will wind up being oh so vewwy embarrassed answering her probing questions. So big tough Patrick may wind up a blubbering, stuttering BABY under her scrutinizing questions about my diaper wearing. hopefully I can figure out this rash.  I put on some Destine 2 nights ago which gave me quick relief, but kept it on all night, and the next day I had to wash it off in the shower and I fely like I was stripping wallpaper, which just made it all
worse.  BOOHOO Mommy. What is Betsy gonna so???  

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