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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Telling your mom you want to be a woman - by Melanie

Todd F is nervous and wondering the best way to tell his mother that he wants to learn how to be a woman. We both discussed the idea of breaking it to her very gently. Todd actually brought up the idea of dressing up like a woman for Halloween, and asking his mom for costuming/makeup suggestions.  After Halloween is over, then he can level with his mom about the situation. He is 19, still lives at home, and a college student. He eventually plans to leave home in a couple of years. Todd went into his mother's room. He was looking at the clothes in her closet and her makeup on her dresser. He asked me questions about makeup application and clothing. I told him what types of cosmetics to use. I suggested he apply moisturizer, primer, foundation, eye liner, mascara, blush, lip stick. He asked me what types of clothing would I suggest he wear to make him look like he has a curvier figure? I suggested he wear thick belt around a tunic or dress. He really seemed happy with the direction our conversation was going. Unfortunately his aunt drove into the driveway, and he had to go.  He is hoping to talk to me again.

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